Montessori Playground
Year: 2018
Location: Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Client: ICan International schools
Company: Building Trust / Atelier Cole
Status: Built
Employee at Atelier Cole/Building Trust International. As a project architect and site manager was this my first project in which I had the lead from beginning till end, including the built. With a team of local builders (skilled and unskilled) did we built this playground in three months. 
Our client was the Montessori playspace who were settling down their space in the Factory space. The big garden was in need of a natural playground for the children. Therefore we made a space in which the childres were protected from the sun, with lots of free to use space in the grass and some bamboo structures to play in or with. 

Design Development and Construction Photos

In collaboration with:
Atelier Cole
  Building Trust International
Playspace Montessori