BUILDING TRUST • Social Housing Phnom Penh
Year: 2017
Location: Phnom Penh
Client: People in Need
Company: Building Trust international
Type project: Design research and strategy
My role in this project was being a team member in the Building Trust team. Altogether we talked about strategies, went for site visits and community interviews. This really was a communal effort of BTI and we were a group of 5 people. As I did not speak the language, my roles were more to be just present and observant. While in the office I would be more of the strategy thinker, and making diagrams, presentations etc. 

The goal of this project was to find the best solution and a feasibility to allow the
villagers at Village Kor (neighborhood north of Phnom Penh) to face the risks and threats proposed by both law and environment.
- Environmental risks from flooding from the river every year that covers a third of the site. This puts the population in unacceptable circumstances regarding hygiene and liveability.
- Law threats are governmental. the proposal to widen the highway, which results in taking away another third of the site. Which means that 2/3 of the population in this area is endangered to lose their

Working with the residents and the stakeholders, has brought a thought through design solution whereby the needs and life style of the community could be maintained.
<Analysis of the site and situation
Strengths and Weaknesses
<Analysis of the site and situation
Opportunities and Threats
Design Strategy: Masterplan, how to relocate all households within the safe zone of the area and architecturally how to provide affordable housing for everyone in which people have a safe and hygienic place to live.