The Factory Playground

Year: 2018
Location: Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Client: The Factory Phnom Penh
Company:  Atelier Cole
Status: Built

Employee at Studio Cole. My role was to follow design directions from David Cole, as a designer and as a drafter following the whole project from concept design through site supervision during the build.​​​​​​​
This playground is one of the few things on the Factory Site that was completely new. We designed a space raised onto a dome-shaped hill that invites people from the street to explore The Factory. From the ground, the slide is visible, and this tells the passerby that this can be a playground, but to know you would have to explore the space around and inside.​​​​​​​
Interior photos
Construction photos

Photocredit: David Cole

In full construction

Finished photo
In collaboration with:
  The Factory Phnom Penh